Anaïs Quintanilla
EMEA Group Brand Manager & Sustainability Lead
I love to discover new places, people, ways of living and FOOD!
Marketing and New Product Development

What did you want to be when you were a kid?

My interests varied greatly. First, I wanted to be a teacher, then a marine biologist, and finally a food critic. Too bad I’m allergic to shrimp!

How would your friends describe you?

They would describe me as a positive, loyal, and cheerful person with strong values.

What are your hobbies?

Travelling is my biggest passion. I love to discover new places, people, ways of living and FOOD! When at home, I like hiking and enjoy the beautiful nature in Switzerland. I also love reading and being a kid again when playing with my children.

What’s your favourite family tradition?

I have two favourite traditions. The first one is family Christmas in Mexico with my close relatives (around 50 people) eating way too much, dancing and receiving presents from a fake Santa. The second one is celebrating the ·Day of the Dead” where we honour our departed loved ones by preparing a colourful altar with their favourite meals, photos, flowers and candles.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

My family. Seeing my two sons grow into their own happy selves, and co-parent with my husband to support family-balance and our respective careers. On the professional side, the launch of GUM SOFT-PICKS PRO across the EMEA markets and the Interdental Acceleration program made me proud last year.

What was your first job?

My first job was as a guide for children with special needs in a Contemporary Arts Museum. My role was to transmit art in a fun way to children with autism, brain paralysis, or visual impairments, and then do handicrafts together linked to the exhibition.

What is your favourite thing about your career?

To be empowered to transform ideas into products and campaigns that improve people’s health.

Tell us in one sentence what you do at Sunstar.

I support the GUM brand’s growth, through the development of great Interdental and Chemical initiatives, and contribute to Sunstar’s Europe sustainability transformation.

What is the best part of working at Sunstar?

The people. I’m grateful to work with great professionals who are also kind, committed and fun. This team spirit motivates everyone to give their best.

What would you like Sunstar to look like on its 100th anniversary?

For its 100th anniversary, my wish would be for SUNSTAR to establish itself as an industry leader, recognized not only for its great products but also embracing sustainability. Having a positive impact not only on health, but also limiting its footprint on the environment.

Meet our people

Read about the backgrounds, current activities and future goals of team members contributing to the spirit of Sunstar around the world.