Announcing Winners of 5th SUNSTAR World Perio Research Awards

30 April 2015

Papers on “The Relationship between Periodontal Diseases and Systemic Health” were selected in collaboration with the following prestigious journals well-known in the field of periodontal research:

Journal of Periodontology
Journal of Clinical Periodontology
Journal of Periodontal Research
Journal of Dental Research

The high quality papers submitted made it an enjoyable and challenging experience for the judges to select the winners.

Please read on to explore the winning entries…

1st – Tan L, Wang H, Li C, Pan Y.
16S rDNA-based metagenomic analysis of dental plaque and lung bacteria in patients with severe acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
J Periodont Res 49:760-769, 2014.
Will be awarded with 10.000 USD

2nd – Jeffcoat MK, Jeffcoat RL, Tanna N, and Parry SH.
Association of a common genetic factor, PTGER3, with outcome of periodontal therapy and preterm birth.
J Periodontol 85:446-454, 2014.
Will be awarded with 5.000 USD

3rd – Caúla AL, Lira-Junior R, Tinoco EMB, Fischer RG.
The effect of periodontal therapy on cardiovascular risk markers: a 6-month randomized clinical trial.
J Clin Periodontol 41:875-882, 2014.
Will be awarded with 5.000 USD

The winning papers will be presented at the EuroPerio 8 on June 3rd, 2015 during the SUNSTAR Symposium (Capital suite 10-11, Excel London). The award ceremony will be held the following day after the first plenary lecture at the ICC Auditorium, Excel London.

Please join us to congratulate the work of these excellent scientists!

For more information, please click on the attachment below.