17 April 2020

This article was previously posted on the Sunstar Foundation website.

The Sunstar Foundation is pleased to announce this call for research papers on “the relationship between periodontal diseases and systemic health”.

The Sunstar Foundation established the Sunstar World Perio Research Award to celebrate excellence in research performed on the relationship between oral health and systemic health. The 7th edition of this award will be held in conjunction with the EuroPerio10 congress in Copenhagen, June 2021.

The award is an initiative in collaboration with four prestigious scientific journals in the field of periodontology:

Research papers published in one of these four journals are eligible to participate. Prof. William Giannobile, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Dental Research, sheds his light on the award in the video below.

The submission deadline for applicants is January 15, 2021.

Visit the “how to apply” page for more information about the award, or go to the application page to submit your paper now.