Update of Sunstar’s ESG activities for 2023

10 October 2023

We have just disclosed the progress of Sunstar’s ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) activities for 2023, including the recent addition of SDG Goal 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts” to our scope.

The 2023 data is published in full in the Sustainability section, and reports new initiatives in each ESG area to contribute to the achievement of the Sunstar Group’s long-term vision and the SDGs toward 2032, the centennial of the company’s founding.

Initially, our scope focused on three key SDGs goals:

Goal 3 “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,”

Goal 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable,”

Goal 12 “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”.

This year, we have decided to add a new goal, Goal 13: “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”

Sunstar's SDG goals contribution

Sunstar’s efforts have been targeted at reducing petroleum-based plastics in products and packaging materials, as well as decreasing CO₂ emissions by introducing renewable electricity in factories and offices worldwide to achieve carbon neutrality (virtually zero CO₂ emissions). In addition to Scope 1 and Scope 2 (GHG emissions from our own facilities), this year we are now including Scope 3 (emissions from raw material procurement, transportation, and product use and disposal), and have begun detailed calculations to accelerate our CO₂ reduction efforts, aligning with global trends and requirements.

Progress of ESG Activities at Sunstar during 2022

E (Environmental Report): Report on the initiatives we carried out to reduce our environmental impact:

S (Social Report): Introduces the initiatives taken at a global level to enhance human rights:

G (Governance = Management platform): Review of the initiatives implemented to strengthen risk management across the four global regions.

We will continue to work together with stakeholders across Sunstar to develop businesses that contribute to improving the health of people and the planet. By building trust and promoting transparent communications and information disclosure, we aim to become an indispensable presence in society, much like the sun (SUN) and the stars (STAR) are for the Earth.

Sunstar SDG and Long term mission